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Obstetric Fistula

Medically Reviewed by dr. simi paknikar, MD on Jan 02, 2023

What is Obstetric Fistula?

Obstetric fistula, or vaginal fistula, is an abnormal communication between the vagina and either the bladder anteriorly or the lower digestive tract posteriorly. It is a complication of childbirth and occurs due to prolonged childbirth (1).

When a woman has an obstructed labor and is not given help, the labor could last for up to even 5 to 7 days. This creates a lot of pressure on the vagina, urethra and rectum. The compression can cut off the blood supply to the baby and to the mother's soft tissues, proving to be fatal to the baby, and causing death to the mother's tissues as well. This results in the formation of an abnormal communication between the vagina and bladder, or vagina and rectum. The condition results in incontinence, the constant and uncontrolled flow of urine or feces, or both (2).

Depending on the location of the fistula, obstetric fistula can be classified as:

Obstetric fistula is a preventable and treatable condition. Basic medical care for a pregnant woman with immediate attention to any labor pains can help prevent injury and fistula formation during labor. Obstetric fistula is treated with surgery.

What are the Causes of Obstetric Fistula?

Obstetric fistula is usually a problem of underdeveloped countries and is commonly caused to due prolonged, unattended labor. Other possible causes of vaginal fistula include (5) :

There are several indirect risk factors that can end up in causing the obstetric fistula.

What are the Symptoms and Signs of Obstetric Fistula?

A vaginal fistula or obstetric fistula is usually painless. But it results in uncontrollable passing of the urine or feces, causing a lot of embarrassment.

Other symptoms include:

Complications of Obstetric Fistula

Some of the serious complications that occur along with obstetric fistula include (5):

Obstetric fistula has a more severe impact on the social, economic and psychological aspects, apart from the physical symptoms. Affected women are often ostracized from the community due to the smell or continuous leakage of urine.

How to Diagnose Obstetric Fistula?

The symptoms of the obstetric fistula are the basis of diagnosis.

How do you treat Obstetric Fistula?

Treatment of obstetric fistula depends on the ability of the tissue to heal. It also depends on the size and location of the fistula.

About 80% of women can be cured by simple vaginal surgery (9). Topical or oral medicines are given for the wounds to heal before surgical intervention.

Based on the extent of the damage and size and location of the fistula, various types of vaginal surgery may be done.

The surgery may be done directly via the vagina, via the bladder or through the abdomen. A combination of abdomino-vaginal repair may also be chosen depending upon the existing fistula.

Colostomy (an opening created between the intestine and the skin on the abdomen) is done first in case of a large rectovaginal fistula to divert the intestinal contents so that the fistula is kept clean for surgery. Once the surgical wound heals, the colostomy is closed.

Prevention of Obstetric Fistula

Obstetric fistula is a preventable tragedy. It affects millions of women and girls, more so in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Maternal medical care and expertise and adequate infrastructure can largely contribute towards prevention of obstetric fistula.

The United Nations Population Fund has launched a global campaign against obstetric fistula (11). The campaign aims at preventing and treating fistulas, as well as rehabilitating survivors.

Skilled medical care providers can identify women and girls at risk for obstetric fistula and educate them about the prevention and action to be taken. Effective surgical repair, to be done at low cost or free of cost, has to be made available to the areas where the prevalence of obstetric fistula is high.

Health Tips


  1. Obstetric Fistula - (
  2. What Is Fistula? - (
  3. 10 facts on obstetric fistula - (
  4. Obstetric Fistula: Living With Incontinence and Shame - (
  5. Obstetric fistula - (
  6. Fast Facts - (

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    Himabindu Venkatakrishnan. 2023. Obstetric Fistula - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, Health Tips. Medindia, viewed May 16, 2024,

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