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Delhi Reports Less Than 10K Covid Cases Since April

by Hannah Joy on May 15, 2021 at 3:19 PM

About 8,500 new Covid infections have been in the last 24 hours in Delhi. This is the first time in over a month that cases less than 10k have been recorded.

On April 10, the city had reported 7,897 cases in a day.

While the positivity rate - the proportion of samples tested that return positive for Covid -19 continued its sharp decline to 12 per cent, on Friday, the lowest in the single day since April 13.

‘Delhi government will take care of children who lost their parents and will provide financial support to all senior citizens who lost their loan (son/daughter) earner for livelihood in the national capital.’

Though daily positive cases in Delhi have decreased in the last few days, there are still many critical patients in hospitals.

"Delhi has around 3,000 beds vacant for Covid patients, however, ICU beds are still packed in most hospitals. A total of 1,200 new ICU beds will be ready by one or two days," said Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday.

While addressing a digital press conference, Kejriwal said Delhi has seen some respite from Covid spread in the last few weeks due to determination of the citizens of the national capital.

"You (people) have followed Covid lockdown rules strictly and have shown that Delhi can still fight against the spread of Covid-19. It is the need of the hour to fight against this pandemic. We still need to be more prepared to face more challenges to come," he said.

The Chief Minister said in the last few days many families have lost even more than one or two members, many children have lost their parents and many senior citizens too have lost their earning family members (son/daughter) due to this Covid pandemic.

He said, "Delhi government will take care of children who lost their parents and will provide financial support to all senior citizens who lost their loan (son/daughter) earner for livelihood in the national capital.

"The Government will help such families financially and I will request relatives of such families to boost their confidence," Kejriwal added.

Source: IANS

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