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App to Monitor Patients With Advanced Heart Failure

by Julia Samuel on December 21, 2017 at 2:39 PM

The clinical decision support application monitors medical tests, the health status of patients and notifies clinicians when they require advanced disease therapies.

The research team found that the app led to the significantly improved detection of disease advancements such as an increase in patients' survival rates as well as improve quality of life.

‘The app helps detect disease progression, identifies patients needing advanced heart failure therapy and improves survival rate.’

"We found that clinical decision support can facilitate the early identification of patients needing advanced heart failure therapy and that its use was associated with significantly more patients visiting specialised heart facilities and longer survival," revealed the team led by R. Scott Evans, Medical Informatics director at Intermountain Healthcare, a not-for-profit firm in Utah, the US.

Heart failure is a condition in which heart fails to adequately pump blood, resulting in an array of symptoms that include fatigue, shortness of breath, swelling, and a fast or erratic heartbeat.

"But patients typically aren't monitored every day and it's hard for doctors to stay up to date on all the research regarding heart failure," Evans said, in the paper published in the Journal of Cardiac Failure.

Features of the App

Source: IANS

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