Julia Samuel's Profile


Julia Samuel

Julia has worked as a part-time lecturer in Women's Christian College, Chennai. She is passionate about educating people, esp students about healthy eating, fitness and well-being.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Health Benefits of Unripe Green Papaya

Health Benefits of Unripe Green Papaya

Unripe green papaya fruit is a rich source of important nutrients including vitamins, proteins, & enzymes. Read what makes it a true therapeutic fruit!

Diet Articles
Health Benefits of Ambarella

Health Benefits of Ambarella

Ambarella fruit, also known as the June plum is rich in vital nutrients and antioxidants. It has several therapeutic benefits, especially for respiratory diseases.

Diet Articles
Health Benefits of Pearl Millet

Health Benefits of Pearl Millet

Pearl millet is the most abundantly grown millet in India. It is rich in protein, fiber and minerals specifically iron and has several health benefits.

Diet Articles
Almonds for Healthy Daily Life

Almonds for Healthy Daily Life

Almonds are an excellent option for snacking. Just a handful of almonds everyday can improve memory, immune system and nourishes skin and hair.

Diet Articles
Food Cravings

Food Cravings

Cravings often signify some need-whether nutritional or mental. Read on to find out if it’s really your sweet tooth or something else.

Diet Articles