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Niacin Extended Release and Lovastatin - Drug Information

Medically Checked by S. Hemamalini, B. Pharm

Generic Name : Niacin Extended Release and Lovastatin
Pronunciation : NYE-a-sin- LOE-va-STAT-in

ICD Code : | Therapeutic Classification : -

Trade Name(s) :

International - Advicor.

Why is Niacin Extended Release and Lovastatin Prescribed? (Indications)

This combination medication contains antihyperlipidemic and HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor ("statin"), prescribed for hypercholesterolemia along with diet and exercise.

When should Niacin Extended Release and Lovastatin not to be taken? (Contraindications)

It should not be co-administered with strong CYP3A4 inhibitors.
Contraindicated in patients with liver disease, hypersensitivity, during pregnancy and lactation.

What is the dosage of Niacin Extended Release and Lovastatin ?

Initial- Adult- PO- The recommended initial dose is a single 500 mg/20 mg tablet once daily at bedtime.

How should Niacin Extended Release and Lovastatin be taken?

It comes as a tablet to take by mouth, with a low-fat snack as directed by your physician.

What are the warnings and precautions for Niacin Extended Release and Lovastatin ?

* Caution should be exercised in patients with history of low blood pressure, kidney problems, diabetes, low thyroid function, muscle problems, poor metabolism, hormonal problems, electrolyte disturbances, heart disease, chest pain, serious bleeding condition, recent heart attack, alcoholism, who are taking other medications, any allergy, and have had an organ transplant.
* It may cause dizziness, do not drive a car or operate machinery while taking this medication.
* Avoid alcohol consumption while taking this medication.
* Patient may develop with increased risk of liver problems; if it is so consult with your doctor.
* Monitor liver function, blood sugar, and blood cholesterol regularly while taking this medication.
* It should not be used in children.

What are the side effects of Niacin Extended Release and Lovastatin ?

Most Common - Dizziness, fainting, fast heart rate, palpitations, shortness of breath, sweating, burning sensation, chills, and/or edema.
Heart - Flushing.
Body as a Whole - Weakness, flu syndrome, headache, infection, pain, abdominal pain, back pain.
Gastrointestinal - Diarrhea, indigestion, nausea, vomiting.
Metabolic - Increased blood sugar.
Musculoskeletal - Muscle pain and Immune-mediated Necrotizing Myopathy (IMNM).
Skin - Itching and rash.

What are the other precautions for Niacin Extended Release and Lovastatin ?

* Avoid excess dosage.

What are the storage conditions for Niacin Extended Release and Lovastatin ?

Store it at room temperature (20� to 25�C).

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