
Prediction of a Collective Sneeze

by Medindia Content Team on May 15 2006 12:57 PM

According to an allergy specialist, Dr Adrian Morris who is the medical director of the Surrey Allergy Clinic and adviser to Boots said that on May 29 at 6.02pm hayfever sufferers would let out a collective sneeze. He predicted that this summer is the worst summer for the past three years as the climate is a mixture of cold winter, warm weather and rain. He said that the pollen levels are also on the higher side and on may 29 most people will spend time outside as it is a bank holiday.

Dr Morris said that usually pollen count is at the peak during June but many sufferers got caught out in late May because they did not start to take medication until their symptoms appeared. Dr Morris accurately calculated the time to be 6.02pm as it is three hours before sunset when the pollen released into the atmosphere in the morning is returning to the ground. Of late Britain has the highest rate of pollen in the air due to the crossover between the birch pollen season, and the grass pollen season.
