
One in Four Women Wants to Stick With Maiden Name After Marriage

by Kathy Jones on Jul 29 2013 8:16 PM

 One in Four Women Wants to Stick With Maiden Name After Marriage
Tradition dictates that a woman should switch to her husband’s name after marriage but a new survey reveals that one in four married women want to stick with their maiden names in some form after marriage.
The poll was conducted by online wedding directory on 200 brides-to-be, who were questioned about their attitudes on Big Day traditions like wearing white, taking their husband's last name, and having their father give them away, the Huffington Post reported.

It was found that 9 percent of the brides admitted to wear a dress in a colour other than white.

Around 76 percent of respondents still want to be walked down the aisle by their father.

Elki Parmar of Wedding Days said in a press release that many of the women they spoke to thought that changing their last name after marriage to their husbands' conformed to a patriarchal ideology and didn't want to feel they were giving up their own identity for their husbands.

