
Excess Intake of Alcohol Results in Permanent DNA Damage.

by Medindia Content Team on Dec 22 2005 5:39 PM

In Australia a research headed by Dr Michael Fenech studied the damage of excess alcohol on human DNA.

The results of the study stated that excess intake of alcoholic beverages resulted in increased risk of permanent damage to the DNA.

During the course of the study, six men aged 21-26 stuck to a diet low in plant phenols for two days, and then drank 300 millilitres of either complete red wine, red wine with the alcohol removed or alcohol alone.

Blood samples were taken immediately before and then 30 minutes, one hour and two hours after drinking. The blood was 'blasted' with gamma radiation, then check for DNA damage.

The researchers found that while drinking alcohol free red wine reduced DNA damage by 20 percent, alcohol tended to increase DNA damage. Complete red wine protected against damage relative to alcohol alone.

ABC Online quoted Fenech saying "These preliminary data suggest that only the non-alcoholic fraction of red wine protects the DNA from oxidative damage, but this effect cannot be explained solely by plasma catechin [a phenolic compound]. Other phenolic compounds in the wine could be contributing factors."

"Alcohol can damage your DNA ... and when you damage your DNA you effectively age faster.

That's the bottomline. So if you want to preserve your youthfulness it's not advisable to drink alcohol in excess," Fenech added.

-(edited ANI)
