
Twins Taste Trend Inherited – Research Says

Cancer researchers in UK exclaimed children now become fond of tasting vegetables or desserts items rather than foods made of meat and fish – after surveying about 200 pairs of same-sex twins.

‘Heritability Factor’, was found to be strong in high-protein dishes such as beef, lamb, fish, bacon and chicken. But by contrast, environmental factor now puts children’s to taste vegetables and dessert more preferably.

Mothers of 103 pairs of identical twins and 111 pairs of non-identical twins asked local authorities, whether taste trends to non-vegetarian food comes from genes (inherited) or from environmental habits.

Some children more enthusiastically tasted the food that were eaten by their parents, and developed taste habits for broccoli, carrots or sponge cake – said Prof Jane Wardle, who led the study.

Bad food practices and their likes and dislikes for some food can put children prone to problems of obesity, which can be followed by other health problems like cancer – said Dr Lesley Walker, the charity's director of information.

Cancer research has been concluded with the saying ‘About 12,000 cases of cancer can be prevented/year if no adults were overweight’.
