Over the last three years, the number of cases registered under Domestic Violence Act, 2005 has gone down.

Safety of women in the country is of utmost priority for the Government. The Ministry is endeavouring to put in place effective mechanism to provide safe environment for women to work and live and fulfil their potential. Ministry recognize that incidence of violence against women cannot be controlled unless mindset of people, in general, are made to change.
Continuous awareness creation among men and women in the society through workshops, seminars, street plays, NarikiChaupals, BetiJanmotshav are being undertaken at the district level. In collaboration with Ministry of Panchayati Raj Special (Mahila) Gram Sabhas have also been conducted. Further, advertisements in the press and electronic media educating peoples about issues of domestic violence, Child Sex Ratio and Child Marriage etc also being taken up.
Platforms such as the International Women’s Day and the National Girl Child Day are used to create awareness on issues related to women and to bring to the centre stage issues such as sex selective abortions and child marriage. Through Sabla programme of this Ministry, adolescent girls in the age group of 11 to 18 years are imparted about training with regard to legal rights of women.