
At-home Test may Determine Gender of Baby

by Rajashri on Jun 11 2009 9:34 PM

An over-the-counter gender prediction test claims that it can accurately tell pregnant moms whether they would deliver a boy or a girl within 10 weeks after conception.

IntelliGender, the company that has produced this test says that the "Boy or Girl Gender Prediction Test" has a proprietary mix of chemicals that will react differently if the fetus is a boy or a girl.

"Most parents have a great degree of curiosity to find out if they're having a boy or a girl, and it can be so excruciating to wait until the 20-week sonogram to find out," IntelliGender co-founder Rebecca Griffin said. "But the test was never meant to be a diagnostic tool. We don't claim 100 percent accuracy."

Women can take the usual urine test and the color will turn green if it's a boy, and orange if it's a girl. The gender predictor test is on sale in 11 countries and will be available for $34.95 at U.S. drugstore chains CVS and Walgreens.

