Medindia has around 138 Health/ Nutrition / Diet Calculators, making it exhaustive.
Medindia has over 2092 Drugs Information.
Search for a doctor using Medindia's comprehensive listing of doctors with over 494287, doctors covering every speciality and city in India.
Medindia has around 105247 hospitals listed, making it exhaustive.
Medindia has around 8075 Pharma listed, making it exhaustive.
Medindia has around 29150 chemist listed, making it exhaustive.
Medindia has around 2061 Surgical Supplier listed, making it exhaustive.
Medindia has around 4115 ambulances, blood banks, hospitals, eye banks, 24 hrs Pharmacists and oxygen suppliers listed, making it exhaustive.
Medindia has around 7565 NGOs listed, making it exhaustive.
A group of symptoms that collectively indicate or characterize a disease, psychological disorder, or other abnormal condition. Medindia enlists all major syndromes.
Medindia lists the nutrition facts for a given food category. All individual food items are uniformally categorized.