Constitution of the
Under Section 3(1) of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956, the Council consists
of the following members, namely :
- One member from each State other than a Union Territory to be nominated by
the Central Government in consultation with the State Government concerned.
- One member from each University, to be elected from amongst the members of
the medical faculty of the University by members of the Senate of the University
or in case the University has no senate, by members of the Court.
- One member from each State in which a State Medical Register is maintained,
to be elected from amongst themselves by persons enrolled on such Register who
possess the medical qualifications included in the First and Second Schedule or
in Part-II of the Third Schedule.
- Seven members to be elected from amongst themselves be persons who possess
the medical qualifications included in Part I of the Third Schedule.
- Eight members to be nominated be the Central Govt.
The President and Vice-President of the Council shall be elected by the members of the Council
from amongst themselves.