
Professional Profile of Dr. Balaji Jaganmohan, Diabetologist

Dr. Balaji Jaganmohan

Primary Speciality : Diabetology

Secondary Speciality : General Medicine / Internal Medicine

Dr. Balaji Jaganmohan
✓ Verified Premium
Qualification MD, PGDD, FID
Experience 19 Years
Location Bangalore, India
Language(s) Known Tamil / Kannada / Hindi / English / French

biographical sketch Biographical Sketch

I am Dr. Balaji Jaganmohan MD, PG Diploma Diabetes (Cardiff, UK), Fellowship in Diabetes.


Apollo Sugar Clinic

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Tel : 91-99-16756906, 91-98-20956906


Specialities Available at this Location

  • Diabetology
  • General Medicine / Internal Medicine


Consultation Timings

Every Day:24 hours

Book an Appointment


  • PGDD - PG Diploma in Diabetes, Cardiff University, Wales, United Kingdom - 2012
  • FID - Fellowship in Diabetes,Dr. Mohans Diabetic Centre, Chennai - 2014
  • MD - General Medicine, Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara, Romania - 2004


  • Consultant Diabetologist, Dr. Mohans Diabetic Centre, Chennai February - 2013 - April - 2014
  • Consultant Physician and Diabetologist, Apollo Sugar Clinic, Padmanabhanagar, Bangalore May - 2019 - June - 2023
  • Consultant Diabetologist, Sagar clinic, Konunkunte April - 2014 - May - 2019


  • Best Clinic among Apollo Sugar Pan India 2016
  • Best Clinician and Clinical services Pan India, Apollo Group 2017
  • Best Diabetic Center Apollo Group 2018
  • Pillars of Medical Sciences, Best Emerging Diabetologist in Bengaluru 2021 Award, From The Health Minister, Govt of Punjab 2021
  • Unsung Heros - Most Prominent Diabetologist in Bengaluru 2021 award from the Indian Chamber of Commerce in Collaboration With Bombay Stock Exchange [BSE] 2021


  • 2008 Jaganmohan B, Sule N. Piroxicam Versus Ibuprofen for Management of Acute Musculoskeletal Disorders: Results of A Randomized Controlled Trial. The Ind. Pract. 2008; 61(11): 1-5
  • 2012 Jaganmohan B, Kasturi K, Chavan C, Bhatia P. Piroxicam An update of its pharmacological properties and therapeutic efficacy in rheumatic diseases and pain states. The Ind. Pract. 2012; 65(10): 1-16
  • 2013 Jaganmohan B et al,Comparison of the characteristics between lean and obese subjects with Non- alcoholic fatty liver disease in a South Indian Population. World Congress of Diabetes India. 18- 21 April 2013, Kochi
  • 2015 Jaganmohan B et al,Prevalence of Erectile dysfunction and its association with risk factors among type 2 diabetic men at a tertiary care diabetes center in south India. RSSDI. October 30, 2015, Lucknow
  • 2016 Jaganmohan B. Treatment of Hypertriglyceridemia in a diabetic patient with renal impairment. Journal of Clinical Diabetology. 2016; Vol 3, no1: 11-12
  • 2016 Jaganmohan B et al. Real life experience of efficacy and safety of teneligliptin. RSSDI, November 18-20, 2016, Hyderabad
  • 2016 Jaganmohan B, Ved J. Possible regression of Chronic Kidney disease in type 2 diabetes associated with Linagliptin based therapies. RSSDI, November 18-20, 2016, Hyderabad
  • 2017 Shah Sanjiv, Sai Jayaprakash, Jaganmohan Balaji, Selvarajan, Raja, SG Moazam, Kolukula, Vamsi K, Tippisetty, Surekha, Joshi, Shashank R. Clinical evaluation of T2DM patients for Cardiovascular risk through Million heart ASCVD risk assessment tool. AACE poster presentation. May 2017
  • 2017 Jana Jayaprakash Sai, Dash Kalpana, Jaganmohan Balaji, CH Sunil Kumar, Vijayaraghavan Radhika, Tippisetty Surekha, Kolukula Vamsi K, Joshi Shashank R. Vascular Complications and Comorbidities association in type 2 diabetes patients-A Retro study of Apollo sugar clinics. AACE poster presentation. May 2017
  • 2017 Balaji Jaganmohan, Chetan Patil, Anjana Ramamurthy, Vamsi Kolukula. Effect of Multimodal Approach with Newer OADs on Glycemic parameters and Insulin dose in Indian Type 2 Dm patients uncontrolled on insulin. Journal of diabetes. ADA, Sandiego. June 2017[supplement]. 2421-pub. A631-632
  • 2017 Kalpana Dash, Sunil kumar CH, Aftab Ahmed, Sambit Das, Balaji Jaganmohan, Surekha Tippisetty, Vamsi Krishna Kolukula, Krishna G Seshadri, Apollo Sugar Research Group. Prevalence of Diabetic Eye Disease and its correlation with Renal function in a Chain of Community Clinics in India. Journal of diabetes. ADA, Sandiego. June 2017 [supplement]. 619-p. a162
  • 2018 Sanjiv Shah, RN Mehrotra, Sambit Das, Ravi S Erukulapati, S Pavan Reddy, Jana Jayaprakashsai, Kalpana Dash, Balaji Jaganmohan, Usha Ayyagari, Surekha Tippisetty, vamsi Krishna kolukula, Shashank Joshi. Unique Digital care interactions of diabetes patients with Remote Health coach through Apollo Sugar App to achieve positive glycemic control outcomes. ADA poster presentation. Orlando, June 2018
  • 2018 S. Shah, Jaganmohan Balaji, K. Dash, HR Boda, J, Sai, CS Dwarakanath, U. Ayyagari, Sambit Das, RK Kshirsagar, N. Shivashankarappa, S. Tipisetty, VK Kolukula. Peripheral Neuropathy Risk in Type2DM patients through assessment of Vibration Perception Threshold A screening Report. IDF WPR Congress, Malaysia, Nov, 2018
  • 2019 S. Shah, K. Dash. Balaji Jaganmohan, J, Sai, HR Boda, A. Ahmed. U. Ayyagari. S. Das. S. Venkataraman, M. Yadhav, AK Trupti, C. Poornima, VK Kolukula, SR Joshi. Digital Diabetes management Tool for Monitoring and Counselling of Patients treated at Apollo Sugar Diabetes Clinic across India. ATTD, Berlin, 2019
  • 2018 Sambit Das, RM Manikandan, TS Boochandran,Ahmed Aftab,Suryanarayana Dwarakanath C,Jaganmohan Balaji, JanaJayaprakashsai,Chaturvedi Richa,S Venkataraman,Tippisetty Surekha,Kolukula Vamsi K;Joshi Shashank R.Comprehensive Apollo Sugar Diabetes Management Program:Adherence for better Clinical Outcomes.ESICON,Bhubaneshwar 2018.
  • 2018 G Seshadri Krishna,S Venkataraman,Suryanarayana Dwarakanath C,R M Manikandan,T S Boochandran,NK Narayanan,Gopal Jayashree, Shantharam,Jaganmohan Balaji,Kolukula Vamsi K.Efficacy Of SGLT2I As Add On Therapy To Oral Hypoglycemic Agents Or Insulin In Patients With Type 2 Diabetes. ESICON, Bhubaneshwar 2018.
  • 2018 Krishna G. Seshadri, Venkataraman S,Jayaprakashsai Jana,Dwarakanath C. Suryanarayana,T.S Boochandran,N.K Narayaan, Balaji Jaganmohan, Sanjoy Paul. Impact On Monotherapy And Combination Therapy In Achieving Target HBA1C In Large Health Care System. ESICON, Bhubaneshwar 2018
  • 2018 Venkataraman S,Sanjiv S, Balaji Jaganmohan,Vikranth T,Dwarakanath C S,Anish B,Manikandan RM, Boochandran TS,Mahesh C,Shantharam D,Vamsi K Kolukula,Krishna G Seshadri.A Real World Clinical Effectiveness Of DPP4 Inhibitors From A Large Data Set Of T2DM Patients In India. ESICON,Bhubaneshwar 2018
  • 2019 Jaganmohan B, Bairagi L J, Rehman F, Silas M M , Jacinth M. Fibro calculus pancreatic diabetes[FCPD]: Two case reports of FCPD running in the same family. Can FCPD be inherited?. Annals of Clinical Diabetes and Endocrinology. 2019. Vol.2(1): 1-4
  • 2019 Sanjiv Shah, Balaji Jaganmohan, Sanjoy Paul, Dwarakanath CS, Vikranth Tari, Manikandan RM,Surya Pavan Reddy, Harini Reddy, Praveer R Mathur, Sridevi Paladugu, Vamsi Krishna Kolukula. Pan India cross-sectional study of real-world clinical experience on SGLT2i treatment adherence and safety profile. IDF 2019. Busan, South korea
  • 2019 Balaji Jaganmohan, Yashodha Chaurasia, Himanshu Tayade. Helping Diabetics in making healthy food choices: At Home, at work and out of home dining. Micro knowledge academy textbook. Comorbidities of Diabetes Special focus on Obesity, Hypertension & Dyslipidemia. 2019. Chapter 48. 418-426
  • 2020 Balaji Jaganmohan, a Praveer R. Mathur,a Sambit Das, a Manikandan Rm,a P Sanjoy,a Sudeep P. Manohar,a Aftab Ahmed, a Narendra Bs, a Jayaprakash Sai, a Deepak Mc, a Akila Mania and a Vamsi K. Kolukula. Effect of One Month Basal Insulinization in Addition to Oads Initiation on Glycemic Parameters in Newly Diagnosed Treatment-naa-ve Type 2 Diabetes Patients Presenting With Osmotic Symptoms or Glucotoxicity a Long-term Follow-up Study. Diabetesa 2020 Jun; a 69[Supplement 1] a -.https//
  • 2020 Balaji Jaganmohan, Vrinda Jha, Mohammed Yaqub Pasha. Metformin: The Preferable First-line Option in Current Times of COVID-19. RSSDI Diabetes Update 2020. Chapter 13.
  • 2021 Raja Selvarajan, Balaji Jaganmohan, Radhika Vijayaraghavan. An Observational Study on Glycemic outcomes, lifestyle and psychosocial health of patients with diabetes during Covid-19 lockdown from Bangalore. ENDO 2021


  • Certificate Course in Evidence Based Diabetes Management [CCEBDM], Public Health Foundation of India, Delhi
  • Web CME in Diabetes Accreditation from Department of Endocrinology, Nizams institute, Hyderabad
  • Certificate Course in Clinical Research at K.E.M Hospital, Mumbai, Indi

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How can I book an appointment with Dr. Balaji Jaganmohan from the Medindia website?
  2. You can visit the following link to book an appointment with Dr. Balaji Jaganmohan.
    Book Appointment

  3. What is Dr. Balaji Jaganmohan's educational qualification?
  4. Dr. Balaji Jaganmohan has the following qualifications:
    MD, PGDD, FID.

  5. What does Dr. Balaji Jaganmohan specialize in?
  6. Dr. Balaji Jaganmohan specializes in Diabetology and General Medicine / Internal Medicine.

  7. How many years of experience does Dr. Balaji Jaganmohan have?
  8. Dr. Balaji Jaganmohan has 19 years of experience.

  9. Where does Dr. Balaji Jaganmohan practice?
  10. Dr. Balaji Jaganmohan practices at Apollo Sugar Clinic - Bangalore.

  11. What languages does Dr. Balaji Jaganmohan speak?
  12. Dr. Balaji Jaganmohan can speak in Tamil, Kannada, Hindi, English, French.

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