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An Update on UK Health Insurance - Conclusion

Medically Reviewed by The Medindia Medical Review Team on Jan 04, 2019


Private health care has continued to exist as a parallel entity to the NHS. According to recent reports, as many as 6.7 million people have private medical insurance. Private health insurance is generally used as a top-up to NHS services. There are numerous treatments that the private sector does not cover or even if cover is provided, it comes with a number of restrictions.

An umpteen number of insurance companies in the UK are involved in cut-throat competition with each stating that they offer "competitive quotes" or "cheapest insurance" in UK. Finally, it is the insurance companies that have the last laugh, since the prospective buyer becomes an easy prey to the marketing tactics pursued by insurance companies across UK. The gullible clientele sign the insurance policies without reading the fine-print. In many instances, "cheapest" insurance may "not be so cheap" after all upon filing an insurance claim.

Best way of dealing with the mavericks and pressure tactics being pursued by insurance companies is to update oneself with the latest information and the key terms being used in insurance industry. The customer should be well-prepared to handle the "sweet speech" and "smooth talking" by insurance brokers by keeping a tab on the latest happenings in UK insurance market. Remember that insurance companies are not for protecting an individual, but for making quick gains.


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