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People With Short Names Tend to Appear More Approachable Online

by Kathy Jones on September 13, 2013 at 9:09 PM

People who have short first names tended to appear more approachable and friendlier on the internet compared to those with longer names, a new study reveals.

Shortening your first name increases your allure to the opposite sex, says a study conducted by social networking site

"Attractiveness online is not only about looks. Even the length of your name, it seems, may also make a surprising difference," Niccolo Formai, spokesperson for Badoo, said in a statement.

Badoo compared the number of online messages received over a five-month period by those with shortened or diminutive names (like Jenny or Mike) and those with full-length equivalents (Jennifer, Michael), in eight countries - the US, Canada, Britain, Brazil, France, Spain, Italy and Germany.

It collected a total of 162 such pairs of names.

In 72 percent, the full-length name was found to be less attractive, and all countries were in favour of shorter names.

Men are roughly twice as likely as women to use abbreviated names. The shorter name proved more alluring in 79 percent of the female pairs studied, compared to 69 percent of the male ones.

"Your name says a huge amount about you", said Jo Hemmings, a behavioural psychologist and dating coach (full name is Joanna).

"People with abbreviated names appear more approachable and friendlier; less intimidating. A diminutive name gives a sense of warmth and informality," she added.

Source: IANS

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