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Indo-German Declaration, For Alternative Medicine, Gets Cabinet Nod

by Sam John Xavier on May 25, 2017 at 11:42 AM

To bring about more cooperation in the field of alternative medicine, the Union Cabinet approved a Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI), which was signed between Germany and India.

The Union Minister of Finance, Arun Jaitley made the announcement after the cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

‘The financial resources for conducting research training under this declaration will be met by the funds allocated by the Ministry OF Ayush.’

Initiation of collaborative research, training and scientific capacity building in the field of alternative medicine under the JDI between the two countries would contribute to the enhanced employment opportunities in the Ayush sector, according to an official statement released by the government.

It informed that there are no additional financial implications involved.

The financial resources necessary to conduct research, training courses, conferences and meetings will be met from the existing allocated budget and existing plan schemes of Ministry of Ayush, it said.

It further explained that India has well-developed systems of traditional medicine, which hold tremendous potential in the global health scenario and Germany has considerable interest in traditional systems of medicine.

Source: IANS

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