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3-D Printing Could Be Game Changer in Treatment of Congenital Heart Disease

by Dr. Lakshmi Venkataraman on May 1, 2018 at 5:34 PM
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Emerging 3-D technology might bring about a shift in the way cardiologists treat congenital heart disease with optimal outcome for the patient and others involved in the care. This review paper appears in JACC: Basic to Translational Science.

"Obtaining the best outcomes requires impact at multiple levels, including patients and caregivers, individual clinicians, the medical team and healthcare system, innovation and research," said Shafkat Anwar, MD, pediatric cardiologist at Washington University in St. Louis, School of Medicine and the lead author of the paper. "3-D printing is a disruptive technology that is impacting each of these key areas in CHD."

‘3-D printing technology has the potential to achieve best possible outcomes in congenital heart disease by impacting multiple levels namely patient, caregiver, physician and healthcare team’

3-D Technology in Cardiology - Transforming Care of Congenital Heart Disease

The application of 3-D printing in healthcare has been a relatively recent phenomenon, with major advances in cardiology seen only in the past decade.

According to Anwar, "3-D printing is rapidly evolving in medicine, with technical improvements in printers and software fueling new and exciting applications in patient care, innovation and research."

3-D printing in cardiology involves obtaining a 3-D model, which is the exact replica of the patient's heart with associated defect. The many ways in 3-D models could influence care of CHD include the following:

"The ultimate viability of medical 3-D printing will in large part depend on the impact it has on improving patient care," Anwar said.

About Congenital Heart Disease

CHD refers to structural defects of the heart present at birth and account for the most common type of birth defect. The severity of the defect may vary from simple to complex. The treatment of CHD depends on the type and severity of heart disease. Most cases are treated by surgery and cardiac catheterization procedures and survival rates have improved drastically. However, some patients require frequent monitoring and specialized care throughout their lives.

Future of 3-D Printing

What is 3-D Printing Technology?

Simply stated, 3-D printing is the process of creating a physical object from a virtual model. The process is similar to the ink-and-paper printers, which we all are familiar with, but instead of traditional ink, 3-D printers squeeze out a various types filaments and print one layer after another until the virtual model is printed as a physical form.

Thus, 3-D printing technology is also referred to as additive manufacturing. "Additive" means successively adding of thin layers between 16 to 180 microns or more to create the final physical object.

There are several techniques of 3-D printing. The technique used will depend on the materials used for printing.

While this technology can be path breaking, more wider adoption is currently limited by the high costs of modeling and printing.

  1. Shafkat Anwar, Gautam K. Singh, Jacob Miller, Monica Sharma, Peter Manning, Joseph J. Billadello, Pirooz Eghtesady and Pamela K. Woodard "3D Printing is a Transformative Technology in Congenital Heart Disease" (2018) DOI: 10.1016/j.jacbts.2017.10.003

Source: Medindia

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