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A Nation Of Fatties

by Bidita Debnath on October 20, 2012 at 10:42 PM

Experts suggests the otherwise skinny French have also come under the grip of junk food's negative impact.

Nearly seven million people in France are now classified clinically obese - nearly double the figure 15 years ago - the latest study has revealed, Daily Mail reported.

Health experts have warned that a diet of junk food and a couch-potato lifestyle is turning the traditionally skinny French into a nation of fatties.

Despite still being officially Europe's second thinnest people, the weight of the average French person has risen by just over half a stone (about 3 kg) to 11 stone (72 kg) since 1997, the report found.

According to the government sponsored survey by pharmacists Obepi-Roche, the biggest weight gains were among 18 to 24-year-olds, who are turning "addicted to fast food".

Source: IANS

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