
Girls Subjected to Dating Violence as Teens Earn Less Later in Life

by Kathy Jones on Aug 31 2013 7:57 PM

 Dating Violence During Teenage Years Affects Woman’s Earnings Later In Life
Being subjected to dating violence during their teenage years seems to affect a woman’s educational performance and earnings later in life, a new study reveals.
The study led by a Michigan State University researcher suggested that a female's educational performance may be hindered by her partner's actions, such as destroying books or homework or causing injuries that prevent her from going to school.

According to Adrienne Adams, lead researcher on the study and MSU assistant professor of psychology, the findings, reinforce the need for programs and efforts to support victims' education and career development throughout their lives.

Adams and her fellow researchers analyzed survey data of about 500 single mothers who were, on average, 32 years old and earned less than 7,000 dollars per year.

It was found that participants who had been victimized by dating partners as adolescents obtained significantly less education.

The study was published in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence. (ANI)

