
Asanas / Yoga and Pregnancy


Yogasanas makes the body flexible and enables the expectant mother to adopt different positions in labour, making the delivery of the baby normal and easy. It also helps in reducing labour pain. Asanas keep the expectant mother in shape. The gentle postures keep the body active and supple and help to relieve tension around the cervix. Asanas improve posture, balance, strength, stamina and flexibility. During pregnancy, the asanas work on the stomach muscles, spine, back muscles and pelvis. They prepare the woman for childbirth.

Strenuous yoga is not suited for pregnant mothers. The energizing gentle exercises of yoga focuses on stretching and strengthening muscles, thereby facilitating natural labour and delivery. Simple asanas can be performed during the first 2-3 months of pregnancy. In the event of any discomfort while assuming a posture, it is advised to stop performing the asana. Avoid any pose that puts pressure on the abdomen.


During the first month of pregnancy, standing asanas are performed to give strength to the legs, improve circulation of blood, increase energy levels and reduce leg cramps. During the middle and final stages of pregnancy, performance of asanas can increase fatigue. Inversions should be avoided during pregnancy.
