

Passage to Australia and New Zealand

E 4

Preventive Measures

Simple basic precautions will help keep you healthy and well while you are away.
• Employ insect repellant tactics to prevent insect bites.
• If traveling to infested areas consult a local doctor or visit a public health unit to know the required precautions.
• Be forewarned about any outbreaks by following the local news
• Be smart and avoid injuries; follow local rules such as wearing a helmet or sticking to speed limits
• Take care not to share needles during body piercing, tattooing or having injections
• Avoid sexual intercourse with casual friends and even if you do, always remember to use a condom.
• If indulging in alcohol – know your limits and do not drink and drive
• Keep the information about the location of your High Commission in case you require any help
If you fall sick after returning to your country, report to your doctor that you traveled recently.

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Hi I am Acruz, nice blog,thank u for giving such a nice description and health tips ,if i visit these place's i take care and follow all the health tips.
Alexander Cruz
Acruz  Monday, August 3, 2009
Other Infections