High blood pressure is the leading risk factor for cardiovascular disease. But it can be lowered naturally by simple lifestyle changes.
High blood pressure or hypertension is defined as a blood pressure of above 140 mm Hg (systolic) and or 90mm Hg (diastolic).
Drug intervention need not be the only option to help lower your moderately high blood pressure. Lifestyle changes along with herb remedies such as garlic, arjuna, sarpagandha, and olive can serve the purpose.
Pictures speak a thousand words. Learn more about Hypertension through our slide show, videos and infographics.
Foods rich in dietary potassium, calcium, anti-oxidants, vitamin C can lower your high blood pressure significantly. Top foods that lower blood pressure are listed.
Healthy eating is all about making positive choices, focusing on foods which provide necessary nutrients to maintain good health, prevent deficiency diseases and chronic diet-related disorders.
Animation to understand what is blood pressure and how to measure systolic and diastolic readings of blood pressure. High or low blood pressure can be a risk factor for many chronic diseases.
Foods that are rich in potassium, calcium and vitamin C help in lowering the levels of blood pressure. Here are some foods just for you !!
Medindia provides you with the latest news and research breakthroughs on Hypertension.
Take a quiz and test your knowledge on hypertension, taking steps right away to control it will help you prevent more health problems later.
Medindia's 'Electronic Health Record' (EHR) is a powerful online self-management tool that empowers you to manage your own health. The current version has been dynamically programmed to not only store your health record online but to also deliver the highest quality healthcare information on the illness, procedure or medication you may be taking