
Xenophobia - Conclusion


Cross-cultural scholarship - Considering the multi-cultural societies we live in today, where emigration is passé, xenophobia restricts global integration. Our emotions these days are visceral, baseless and misplaced. The prejudices of our minds have prevented the right cultural appropriation, and have furthered our negative attitudes towards immigrants.

All this may change in the near future with explosion of social networking, travel, interracial marriages and breakdown of many taboos and fear in many societies. This is perhaps the last frontier that needs to be conquered as far as human cognitive behavior is concerned. Overall this will lead to greater harmony in our world and is a pre-requisite for world peace.

On a personal level, if you are unfamiliar with a certain culture, shunning it shouldn’t be the solution. Try getting to know them, in ways that may be as simple as everyday conversations about the weather, local issues etc. You’ll learn that the ‘alien’ is actually quite the same as you.

Cross-cultural scholarship - More open views and elimination of the negative attitudes toward immigrants would be a possible start.
