
Symptoms of Chicken Pox

Symptoms of Chicken Pox

Chicken pox is characterized by dry itching (pruritus) and a skin rash with fluid-filled blisters that burst and form crusts.

The symptoms of chicken pox are worse in adults than children. Symptoms include -

  • Body ache and mild fever (before the onset of the disease).
  • Fatigue, irritability and sore throat.
  • Rashes break out on the day the fever starts.
  • A skin rash or lesion on the chest, back, shoulders, scalp, or other areas.
  • Lesions on the mouth, vagina, rectum, eye, or other mucus membranes.
  • Itchy, blistering rash develops into as many as 250-500 blisters within couple of hours.
  • Crusting, after the blister breaks, occurs after two to four days.
  • Crusts become progressively darker with time and form scale like structure called scab. Scabs fall off in about 9-13 days.