
Uterine Cancer - Question that you should Ask Your Doctor?

Uterine Cancer - Question that you should Ask Your Doctor?

Getting a uterine cancer can be devastating and difficult to accept, however treatment is available in various forms such as surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy. When you go to see a specialist you should be prepared with the questions you may wish to ask about your treatment options. Here are a list of such questions, add some more of your own if you wish and print them out so that you are fully informed after an interview with a specialist.

  1. Nature of the uterine cancer you have?
  2. What is the stage of the cancer – early or late?
  3. If late has the cancer spread to other areas of the body ?
  4. What tests are needed to know where has the cancer spread and how accurate are these?
  5. What are my treatment options?
  6. What treatment option do you recommend and Why?
  7. If more than one option what are the benefits of various options?
  8. Curative chances from various treatment options that are given out
  9. Any risks and side effects for each treatment type?
  10. Cost of treatment and any hidden costs that may not be included?
  11. Frequency of follow - ups
  12. Would the treatment affect my quality of life and if yes how soon would I be able to resume my normal activities.
  13. If the disease is advanced would I benefit by participating in a clinical trial or research study?
  14. Are there any support group that I could join?
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