
Treatment and Prevention of Norovirus

Treatment and Prevention of Norovirus

Like any other virus, norovirus too does not respond to antibiotics, which are designed only to destroy bacteria. In healthy people the immune system takes control of the situation and the infection resolves on its own in a couple of days. No long term complication has been reported from the virus infection.

Dehydration may be managed or even prevented by drinking plenty of liquids. Children may be given oral rehydration solutions containing nutrients and electrolytes. Care must be taken to avoid sugary drinks, alcohol and caffeinated beverages, as these can cause diarrhea and even increase dehydration. In case of extreme dehydration, intravenous administration of fluids and nutrients may be required.

Cleanliness and good personal hygiene are the best methods by which norovirus infection can be prevented.

Treatment of Norovirus

Some preventive steps to control norovirus infection, especially when one is in a close surrounding with many people, are listed below -

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, especially after going to the toilet, changing a baby’s diapers, preparing food or before eating.
  • Careful disposal of baby’s diaper is a necessity.
  • Wash fruits and vegetables with care.
  • It is important to cook oysters and shell fish thoroughly before eating.
  • It is important to disinfect the house surface especially after someone is sick. Norovirus can be quickly rendered inactive by sufficient heating or by using chlorine based disinfectants.
  • If you have norovirus infection do not prepare food for at least 2-3 days. Also avoid eating food prepared by a sick person.