
Depression And Suicide

Depression And Suicide

While depression may not led to suicide always, of all the causes of suicide, major people who have committed suicide had been suffering from depression. The severity of depression often leads to the increased risk of committing suicide. Recent data on depression suggests that about 2% of the people suffering from depression are most vulnerable to suicidal thoughts and may commit suicide. For the institutionalized patients in hospital, about 4% of them commit suicide from depression.

Research also suggests that people who have attempted suicide once may do so again, and institutionalized patients are three times as likely to attempt suicide repeatedly than the patients treated for depression in the outpatient only. Of the patients with a history of a lifetime of depression, men are 7 times more likely than women to commit suicide.

When looked into the data of the people who had committed suicide, about 60% of them were suffering from emotional disorders like depression, bipolar disorder, dysthymia etc.
