
Menopause Related Sleep Disturbances in women

Menopause Related Sleep Disturbances in women

Menopause is a time of major hormonal, physical and psychological change for women although menopausal symptoms vary from woman to woman. One year after menstrual periods have stopped, a woman reaches menopause, on an average around the age of 50. From peri-menopause to post-menopause, women report the most sleeping problems such as-

1. Insomnia: Post-menopausal women are less satisfied with their sleep and as many as 61% report insomnia symptoms. They have difficulty falling asleep and experience excessive daytime sleepiness.

2. Sleep Disordered Breathing: Snoring has also been found to be more common and severe in post-menopausal women. Snoring, along with pauses or gasps in breathing are signs of a more serious sleep disorder like  - Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA).

3. Hot Flashes: Hot flashes may interrupt sleep and frequent awakenings cause fatigue the following day. Hot flashes, are unexpected feelings of heat all over the body accompanied by sweating. They usually begin around the face and spread to the chest affecting 75-85% of women around menopause. Prior to the hot flash, body temperature rises accompanied by an disturbed sleep. Hot flashes last on an average three minutes leading to less sleep efficiency.

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