
Sick Building Syndrome - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Sick Building Syndrome?

A: Sick Building Syndrome is a condition that arises in people staying in a particular building or working in a particular office for certain period of time. They tend to experience symptoms like irritation in the eyes, nose and throat, gastrointestinal disturbances etc. The actual cause is not known. Some people find relief from symptoms with change of place, while others do not. Sick Building Syndrome is thought to be related to poor air ventilation in the buildings where people experience these problems.


Q: Can Sick Building Syndrome be diagnosed?

A: There are no definitive tests to diagnose Sick Building Syndrome, as there is no identifiable cause for this condition.

Q: How is it treated?

A: There is no specific treatment as such, only symptomatic care is given. In patients with Sick Building Syndrome and depression, anxiety and sleep problems, treating these conditions has shown improvement in these patients.
