
Sex Addiction - Treatment / Management

Treatment / Management

Sex addiction can ruin a person’s life, and sometimes those of his family members, unless proper treatment is taken. But, it cannot be treated unless the person wants to be de-addicted and, as most of the sex addicts are wobbling in denial, this is no mean task!

It comes as no surprise therefore, that the first step of the treatment involves acknowledging the problem before a sympathetic group. This usually occurs after a jolting event in the person’s life such as losing a job, marriage break-up or a grave health crisis.

Treatment of sexual addiction does not promote sexual abstinence ( although temporarily the person will be required to abstain from sex), instead it lays emphasis on moderation and the importance of a healthy sex life!

The treatment of sexual addiction is similar to that of other addictions that involves a 12-step recovery programme that includes-

  • Counseling
  • Educating the individual about healthy sexuality
  • Family /marital therapy
  • Medical intervention in the form of anti-psychotic drugs

Common Medications - used to treat sex addiction -

  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder -Prozac and Anafranil.
  • Curb sexual drive- Depo-Lupron and Depo-Provera
  • Antidepressants

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is applied by many psychiatrists. One form of behavior therapy known as aversion therapy involves showing the patient explicit pictures and giving shock just when he gets aroused.

Some therapist suppress testosterone levels but this is done usually as the last resort.
