
Rickets Symptoms

What are the symptoms associated with rickets?

  • Pain in the bones of Arms, Legs, Spine, Pelvis.
  • Skeletal deformities including Bow legs, Forward projection of the breastbone (pigeon chest or pectus carinatum), Funnel chest (pectus excavatum), "Bumps" in the rib cage (rachitic rosary) and Asymmetrical or odd-shaped skull.
  • Spine deformities (spine curves abnormally, including scoliosis or kyphosis).
  • Pelvic deformities.
  • Increased tendency toward bone fractures.
  • Dental deformities.
  • Delayed formation of teeth.
  • Defects in the structure of teeth, holes in the enamel.
  • Increased incidence of cavities in the teeth (dental caries).
  • Progressive weakness.
  • Decreased muscle tone (loss of muscle strength).
  • Muscle cramps.
  • Impaired growth.
  • Short stature (adults less than 5 feet tall) .
  • Fever or restlessness, especially at night.