
Pulmonary Edema - Glossary


Pulmonary: Related to the lungs

Edema: Accumulation of fluid in tissues of the body resulting in swelling

Capillaries: Tiny blood vessels that connect the smaller arteries and veins

Lymphatic system: System that includes vessels that removes fluid from tissues and transfers it into the blood vessels. It is an important part of the immune system

Heart failure: An inability of the heart to contract adequately

Anemia: Condition where the hemoglobin levels are low

Heart valve: Tissue at the openings of the heart chambers that allow unidirectional flow of blood

Left atrium: Upper chamber of the left side of the heart

Intravenous: Injected directly into the vein

Wheezing: A whistling sound that may be heard from the chest while breathing

ECG: Test used to evaluate the electrical activity of the heart

Echocardiography: Test to evaluate the structure and function of the heart

Positive pressure ventilation: Administration of air under pressure