
Pierre Robin Syndrome/ Bird Facies - FAQS

Q: Which doctor should I see if my child has a very small lower jaw?

A: If your child has a very small lower jaw, it is very likely that there are some other associated malformations as well. You need to see an oral surgeon first, who will then direct you to other doctors depending on the severity of the condition.


Q: How will I know if my child has heart problems as well?

A: You will be referred to a cardiologist if any heart disease symptoms are detected during the initial examination.

Q: My child was intubated because of sever airway obstruction. How long will it be necessary for the tube to remain in place?

A: Generally, the growth of the lower jaw must be triggered during the first 12 months of life. If the doctor judges that enough space has been created for the tongue, then the tube may be removed.

Q: What are the chances of my second child being affected by the condition?

A: Pierre-Robin syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder. However, it does not necessarily affect all the newborns. One needs to go in for genetic counseling to be absolutely sure.
