
Diagnosis of Myelomeningocele


Diagnosis of myelomeningocele can be done by routine prenatal screening of the would be mother. by doing fetal ultrasonography. It can be detected by an experienced Ultra-Sonologist at 20–22 weeks of gestation.

It can be also be suspected if the mother’s serum levels of protein called á-fetoprotein (AFP) is high. This can be measured in the second trimester at 15–18 weeks of gestation.

Amniocentesis is done by withdrawing some amniotic fluid from the womb and studyjng the foetal tissue.

A blood test called the quadruple screen may be done during the second trimester of pregnancy.

Myelomeningocele is visible after birth. Neurological examination of the child may reveal deficits. Imaging modalities like x-rays, ultrasound, CT, or MRI of the spinal area are also employed.
