
Life Style Tips For Myasthenia Gravis

Life Style Tips For Myasthenia Gravis

From weakness shall come strength is the motto. A strong mind that can accept the condition that you have is a must. What follows is a list of lifestyle tips.

  • Make regular visits to your doctor
  • Try cutting down alcohol and tobacco
  • Take adequate rest; avoid getting exhausted by strenuous works
  • Eye drops and eye gels can prevent dryness
  • Forget ego and always call for help when required
  • Avoid getting too hot or cold; avoid very hot baths
  • Instead of huge heavy meals divide your diet into frequent tiny instalments
  • Talk with your doctor before taking drugs that are not related to your MG
  • Eat warm rather than hot meals. Do sip a cold drink during a hot or warm meal.
  • Foods like tough meat that require excessive chewing must be avoided
  • Give rest to jaw between mouthfuls
  • Though strenuous exercises exhaust you, the importance of exercising your body has to be stressed! Muscles and bones are to be kept in shape. Health adjusted work outs are prescribed