
Kidney Transplantation - Hospital Admission And Evaluation

Hospital Admission And Evaluation

For the RecipientFollowing hospital admission, the doctor would examine the potential recipient. The doctor or the nurse will take several blood samples including blood for the Cross Match Test. A series if tests will be carried out to make sure you are fit for surgery, including a chest X-ray and an ECG.

Often it is necessary to perform dialysis to correct the blood chemistry before surgery. The recipient would also be examined by the anesthetist the day before the transplantation (the doctor who will put you to sleep during the operation). Any significant medical history (diabetes, blood pressure, bronchial asthma or any other condition) and surgical history would be noted. If necessary, further evaluation by either a cardiologist or a pulmonologist may be required. If all is well, the kidney specialist will explain the operation and ask you to sign the consent form. Finally you may be given anti-rejection drugs. Shaving of your abdomen may also be done.

For the Donor

Routine tests are carried out to assess the general health of the living donor. The functioning of the donor kidneys is evaluated through a set of medical tests. Additional tests are done to analyze the structure of the donor kidney. Blood samples would also be checked for Cross Matching Test and tissue typing. A series of tests will be carried out to make sure you are fit for surgery, including a chest X-ray and an ECG.

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