
Types of Melamine Toxicity

Types of Melamine Toxicity

Animal studies indicate that melamine mainly affects the urinary system resulting in the formation of stones and kidney damage.

Melamine toxicity has been studied in various animals. The toxic effects of melamine include:

Local toxicity: Local toxicity results from direct contact of melamine with various body tissues. Thus, melamine can cause:

  • Skin and eye irritation
  • Irritation of the respiratory tract if particles are inhaled
  • Irritation of the digestive tract if taken orally with symptoms of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea

Acute Toxicity: High doses given over a short period of time result in:

  • Crystals and renal stone formation
  • Kidney damage, followed by kidney failure
  • Death in some cases

Long-Term Exposure: Exposure to low doses of melamine over prolonged periods of time results in:

  • Kidney or bladder stone formation. Stone formation may be reduced with high water intake
  • Reduced fertility and damage to the fetus
  • Cancer to the urinary tract especially the urinary bladder and ureters, as observed in some animal studies