Itchy Armpits

Itchy Armpits - Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which doctor should I see?

A family physician should be able to diagnose and recommend the right line of treatment. If the itchiness does not subside, one must seek the help of a dermatologist.

2. Can I catch skin fungal infections from others?

Some skin infections are contagious and therefore it is best to avoid skin contact with people who have such fungal infections.

3. Why are people with diabetes more prone to itchy armpits and skin infections?

People with diabetes often experience fluctuations in blood glucose levels. High blood glucose levels provide a good host for bacteria and microbes to thrive. Therefore people with diabetes need to keep their glucose levels in check.

4. I tried all the home remedies and my itchy armpits have not subsided?

Home remedies are only meant to alleviate symptoms and are not curatives. Please seek medical help.