
Symptoms Of Hodgkins Lymphoma

Symptoms of Hodgkins Lymphoma

Painless, enlarged lymph nodes, often occurring in the neck, are the most common sign of Hodgkins lymphoma.

  •  Chest lymph nodes when affected, may be observed on a chest X-ray.
  •  Some people with Hodgkins find that their affected nodes become painful after alcohol consumption. This is a however a rare phenomenon.
  •  Enlargement of the spleen, or spleenomegaly, is seen in approximately 30% of individuals with Hodgkins lymphoma.
  •  In 5% of the patients enlarged liver (or hepatomegaly) is another symptom.
  •  A cyclic high-grade fever, known as Pel-Ebstein fever, is reported among some, although there is an ongoing debate as to whether this fever really exists
  •  Other systemic symptoms, observed in one-third of the affected individuals are -

     - Low-grade fever

     - Night sweats

     - Unexplained weight loss (losing more than 10% of the body#$#s weight in six months)

     - Itchy skin (pruritus)

     - Fatigue

     - Loss of apetite

These systemic symptoms are also known as B symptoms.
