


Majority of the recently diagnosed Hodgkins childhood lymphoma can be cured.

The prognosis or the chances of survival depend on the following factors:

  • The stage of the lymphoma
  • The size of the tumor
  • How the tumor responds to the first treatment step
  • Symptoms and signs at diagnosis
  • If the lymphoma is recently diagnosed
  • The charecteristic features of the cancer cells
  • Recurrence of the lymphoma

A cure in terms of cancer is usually defined in five years in medical terms. What it means is if there is no recurrence of the cancer within five years it is unlikely to recur.


The five years survival of the Hodgkins Lymphoma for various stages of the disease is as follows:

Early - stage disease-Stage I &II: 75-95% of those diagnosed are cured

Advanced stage disease - Stage III & IV: 50-70% of those diagnosed are cured

People who suffer a relapse have a lower rate of cure, which is in the range of 10 to 50%. If the relapse is within a year after the initial treatment, the cure rates are lower.
