
Do's and Don'ts

Do's and Don'ts

Don'ts- The patients should not

  • Sit, sleep or stand with crossed legs at the knees for at least 8 weeks.
  • Bend knee higher than hip.
  • Lean forward while sitting.
  • Pick up something from the floor.
  • Turn feet excessively inward or outward.
  • Reach up to the toes to pull up blankets while lying in bed.
  • Bend the waist beyond 90 degrees.
  • Kneel on the knee.
  • Bend hip more than 90 degrees.

Do's- The patients should

  • Use a raised platform in the kitchen.
  • Use ice to reduce pain and swelling but the ice should not be applied directly to the skin; wrap ice in a damp towel.
  • Use a hot pack for 15 to 20 minutes to relax the muscles before exercising and after exercising.
  • Stop exercising if pain starts.