
Hiccups - Causes


There is no single reason as to why hiccups occur but they definitely do not seem to serve any useful purpose. In many cases a reason cannot be identified. Some of the most common reasons for hiccups are as follows:-

  • Expansion of the stomach and the transportation of the stomach acid into the upper chest pipe called the esophagus. This can be caused by eating spicy food
  • Change in stomach environment –eating hot or extremely cold food
  • Eating or drinking too quickly
  • Consuming alcohol, large meals, carbonated drink
  • Infection of the lungs e.g. pneumonia
  • Tumor of the lungs
  • Sometimes with Heart-attack
  • Infection of the outer lining of the lungs called pleura - called pleurisy
  • Disease / irritation in the thorax
  • Neurological lesions or tumor involving the hiccup centre in brain
  • Surgery of the chest or the upper abdomen
  • Lung Tumors/pneumonia/ heart attack/GERD
  • Kidney failure
  • Certain medications, particularly those that cause acid reflux into esophagus
  • Drawing breath quickly during sneezing coughing, laughing