
Headache | Cephalgia - Treatment


Most everyday headaches go away by taking analgesics but not all headaches have a permanent cure and need to be managed with lifestyle changes and medications.

Analgesics: Recognizing and avoiding trigger factors is a primary technique involved in headache management. Several over-the counter drugs, such as aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or paracetamol have been used in the treatment of headaches. Severe headaches may often require prescription pills.

Other Medications: Medications can be taken prophylactically too. Some of the popular prophylactic medications include beta blockers, serotonin antagonists, anti convulsants, anti depressants, ergot derivatives and calcium channel blockers, Often, headaches are not managed with medications alone but are employed in tandem with lifestyle changes.

Watch your Posture– A poor posture can sometimes cause tension headache. During work practise frequent stretching and support the muscles of neck and shoulders by a back rest; contraction of the muscles can cause the tension headache. A small massage of the shoulders muscles may also help relieve the headache.

Meals: Sometimes the cause of headache maybe skipping meals , so recognize this and eat your meals at reguilar times . At the same time drink enough fluids to keep your system well hydrated.


Lifestyle Changes: A change in sleep and diet pattern along with the clever use of stress management techniques such as meditation, relaxation techniques and counseling are very effective in controlling headaches. Stress is known to cause migraine. Listening to relaxing music can reduce stress and prevent migraine attack.

Migrane Trigger Factors – recognize these and try to avoid them. These can be bright or flickering lights, heat, humidity, sun glare, strong winds, Loud noise, TV/ computer screens, smell of - perfumes, paint, petrol, Smoke and many others.

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