
Head aches | Cephalgia - Diagnosis


Traditionally headaches are diagnosed based on the history and the associated characteristics

During such evaluations, following the IHS criteria, given below, comes in very handy.

Migraine Tension-Type* Cluster
Location Unilateral Bilateral Strictly unilateral
Intensity Moderate/severe Mild/moderate Severe
Duration 4 to 72 hours 30 min to 7 days 15 to 90 min
Quality Throbbing Pressing/tightening Severe
Associated symptoms Yes No Yes -- autonomic
Gender Female > male Female > male Male > female

Some of the conditions causing secondary headaches, such as bacterial meningitis, can result in severe brain damage or can even be fatal. Therefore, timely evaluation, with the help of the special tests, will help in the accurate diagnosis of the underlying causes. Some of these diagnostic tests include-

  • CT Scan to detect hematomas and hemorrhages
  • MRI
  • Lumbar puncture (spinal tap)
  • Special blood tests, such as thyroid tests and evaluation of erythrocyte sedimentation rate

The doctors decide on these tests based on the symptoms exhibited by the patients

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