
Symptoms of Chlamydia Trachomatis

Symptoms of Chlamydia Trachomatis

  • The bacteria live in vaginal fluid and in semen.
  • Symptoms usually appear within 1 to 3 weeks after being infected.
  • The symptoms vary from an abnormal discharge (mucus or pus) from the vagina or penis or experience of pain while urinating.
  • These early symptoms may be very mild.
  • In woman it can cause infertility
  • The most common site of infection in women is the cervix (the mouth of the uterus).
  • The infection in women mostly goes unnoticed, with upto 80% of infection being asymptomatic, the symptoms when present include:
  • Vaginal Discharge
  • Post-coital Bleed
  • Intermenstrual bleeding
  • Lower abdominal pain
  • The infection may spread to involve the fallopian tubes ovaries and other adjoining structures if it is not treated, it may then cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).