
Diagnosis of Chlamydia Trachomatis

Diagnosis of Chlamydia Trachomatis

Chlamydia is easily confused with gonorrhoea because the symptoms of both the diseases are similar and they may sometimes occur together.

  • Cell culture techniques are considered as the 'gold standard' among all the tests. But as they are expensive and need specialists to handle the tests, they are not so readily done.
  • In men the first sample of urine must be collected for testing or the early urethral swabs is taken.
  • In women the 'cervical swabs' are collected which usually has the best specimens of bacteria.
  • The samples are examined under a microscope.
  • Urine samples are not generally preferred in women as they are not too reliable.
  • There are several types of indirect diagnostic test done though none of them confirm diagnosis, which could include:
  1. Direct fluorescent antibody
  2. Enzyme immunoassays
  3. Nucleic acid amplification.