Chest pain

Chest Pain - Musculoskeletal

Chest Pain - Musculoskeletal

Musculoskeletal chest pain is atypical and can be quite different from the life- threatening chest pains that are associated with heart problems. It is caused by pain in the cartilage and muscles of the rib cage and in the ribs. It recurs with exertion or pressure to that area.

The causes of musculoskeletal chest pain are mainly:

  • Sternalis syndrome- rare condition characterized with tenderness over the sternum
  • Xiphoidalgia- a rare syndrome characterized by pain in the xiphoid process
  • Sternocostoclavicular hyperostosis – Athropathy involving anterior chest wall
  • Fibromyalgia- condition caused by chronic body pain
  • Lower rib pain syndromes(5 Trusted Source
    Musculoskeletal Chest Wall Pain

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