
Anabolic Steroids - Types


Anabolic steroids are classified according to their mode of administration into the human body.

  • Oral - This mode of administration is often in the form of pills.
  • Transdermal - This method is by using transdermal patches or by the gentle application of creams on the skin
  • Injection - In this method the steroids are injected intramuscularly (IM anabolic steroids) in the regions of the thigh, buttocks or shoulder. The injectable steroid may be water or oil based. Injecting these steroids in certain regions, such as the triceps and biceps, can prove to be dangerous in some users. It may also be mandatory to seek help while injecting and care must be taken so as not to damage blood vessels.

Decadurabolin, equipoise, Sostenone 250 and testosterone cypionate are some of the popular injectable drugs in the market today.

When multiple doses of these drugs are administered over a specific period of time, followed by an interval, and re-started again it is called ‘cycling’.

When these drugs are used in different combination to maximize their effect it is called ‘stacking’.
