
Alcoholic Liver Disease Causes

Causes / Factors

Ethanol: Alcohol consists of a substance called ethanol. In small amounts ethanol stimulates the nerve cells in the brain but when consumed regularly over years, the substance becomes toxic to the body, especially the liver (which is the seat of metabolism) and this in turn leads to cirrhosis.

Alcoholic hepatitis / cirrhosis: Excessive drinking over a prolonged period of time weakens the liver and causes a chronic inflammatory condition known as Alcoholic hepatitis.

Cirrhosis: When liver disease worsens the liver cells become scarred and fibrosed. This condition is termed as liver cirrhosis.

Malnutrition: Alcohol consumed by a person blocks the absorption of the essential nutrients by the liver cells from the intestinal tract. Malnutrition sets in and contributes to the aggravation of liver disease.

Genetic factors: Studies have revealed that some genetic factors too contribute to the development of alcoholic liver disease.

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